Forgot His Jacket
Today I'm going to go back in time, since I didn't start this journal when I should have (11 years ago) I missed so many great stories but this one I think is my ALL time FAVORITE to tell.
Cade was about 2 or maybe closer to 2 1/2 years old. We were attending church in Bedford with Grandma and Pappy Hite at the Friends Cove UCC (where I grew up going to church). Unlike the church we attend regularly in WV, children typically stay in the "big church" for the entire service. This was a struggle for us because Cade was used to going to "childrens church" during the service so I decided to take him down to the basement this Sunday and listen to the message over the intercom system while he could run around. As we were headed out during the hymn prior to the message a group of other little ones followed us. We ended up on the basement with about 5 kids total. Everyone was having fun, writing on chalk boards and running around tables when Cade pulled out a stool, climbed up on top and asked everyone to please come, sit down and listen to him. I thought "oh boy - this should be good". Everyone (slightly surprisely) listened and took their seat on the floor. Cade in a big booming voice stood on his stool and said "Do you have Jesus in your heart?". (Think TV pastors style with hands raised high) Now, I'm very interested to see where this is going. He proceeded with "You should! He is coming back...... because... (and he points to an old wooden cross in the basement) he forgot his jacket!!"
I can't look at a cross with cloth without smiling. Cade knew early on the truth, just maybe got a few details mixed up but the promise that he is coming back is what truly matters and that piece of cloth ALWAYS reminds me about his return.
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