Friday, June 21, 2013

Safety Net

Grandma Hite:  I've got you!
There is no better safety net than God and your family.  I love this picture because it says it all.  Grandma was more than willing to go exploring with you, Cade.  But she wasn't going to let you go without a little safety net - she held tight to your belt as you inched your way over the edge to check out the creek below.

As you grow up, you'll appreciate this safety net less and less then eventually you'll circle back and appreciate it more and more.  Funny how we have to go through these cycles in life.

I also felt safest with my grandparents - honestly, looking back, they were the closest thing to Super Heros in real life.  They could do anything.  They knew stuff that no one else knew.  They could build things from nothing.  They could turn a drawer of old clothes into a magical playhouse.  They could tell us stories about horse drawn buggies that would keep us seated and quiet for hours (or at least for long minutes).  They had the best jokes.  They played games with us from Monopoly and Careers to Kick the Can and Tag. 

But they ALWAYS warned us, protected us and made sure we knew their house was a safe place.  We could share our deepest secrets.  We could tell them our biggest fears.  We could cry with them and laugh with them in the same conversation.

We also knew the rules - no getting too close to the pond, no running through the upstairs of the old milk barn (there were holes in the floor that could be covered with hay until you step there), no playing with guns (ever) - they aren't toys, be careful on the roads whether crossing it or biking it, always wear a helmet on the 4-wheelers, and the list goes on.  We didn't ALWAYS like the rules but looking back I certainly understand each one of them.

Just remember that you have a long family history of safety nets.  You have grandparents, aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles, first cousins, second cousins, parents and even a sibling to back you up, hold you up and encourage you along this journey that we call "life".

Monday, June 3, 2013

Goodbye to G-town Elementary - it's been fun!!

First day 2012-2013 - 2nd and 5th grade
  This is the last day at Gerrardstown Elementary for the Miller family.  That's sad.  I have to admit, up until about a month before Cade started school, I didn't think much about where you would go to school, who your teacher would be, whether you would get a great education, who would be in your class, etc.  I started to panic right before Cade started school.  After I settled myself down, I prayed (a lot).  And my prayers were answered in a big way because Gerrardstown Elementary was WONDERFUL in so many ways.  Mr McBee is great, he is encouraging and very friendly.  It was because of him that Cade felt he wanted to someday become a principle and dressed as one each year for career day.  Mr McBee was quick to pick up on Addy's smile and love of life.  He commented often on how he loved that smile each morning and hated to see her move on to Mountain Ridge. 
And then there was Mrs Stephens and Mrs Collis - they made kindergarten a HUGE success for all of us.  They were so perfect for both of you and I instantly knew we were right where we were supposed to be!! 
The list is long but Mrs Randolph (the nurse) needs to be called out as well, she has been a huge blessing to me as a working mom and someone that can't always be there exactly when you need me - she has called to let me know you aren't feeling well, she has sent me pictures throughout the day of your smiling faces, she has cheered you on when I wasn't there to cheer myself and the list goes on. 
Then of course we love Mr Bowers (gym teacher) - he may not be a Steelers Fan (right Addy?) but he is a Penguins fan!!  Ms Allen (computer teacher) what a sweet and encouraging lady!!  Mrs Keys (the secretary) rocks!  Mrs Marchase (Cade's first grade teacher), Mrs Neely (Addy's first grade teacher and FAVORITE teacher of all times), Mrs Ellers (Cade's second grade teacher) and Mrs Brooke (Addy's second grade teacher).  Then comes all of the great friendships that you have developed over the years and the parents of these children.  We live in a wonderful community.  There are plenty of "bad" eggs all over the place, but I feel that we have been surrounded by some amazing people and I pray that we can be a blessing to them just like they are to us!!
Thank you God for these people, the lives that have blessed us and the lives that we have a chance to bless.  Thank you for guiding us (without us even knowing it) to a place where our kids can grow up and form relationships with other Christian children to continue to do your work here on Earth.  As I dropped the kids off today for their last day of school they both said - I wish this wasn't the last day, I'm going to miss my friends and school this summer.  That's amazing - thank you God!!!

Addy and Mr. Bowers at Field Day

Addy, Jayson, Rebekah, and Jacob at Field Day!!