So currently our favorite family TV time is watching Duck Dynasty. They might be rich rednecks but they are good people. They value family, they help one another, they drive each other crazy by times but they love each other always and they always stop to thank God for their blessings.
Life appears to be about so many things - by times our focus is school or sports or yard work or laundry but always make sure that's just a temporary focus and that our ultimate focus is always that we are living here in God's earth, doing God's work with God's things. Respect what you have, be quick to forgive, and always look to do God's works by serving others with a happy heart.
Whenever possible be - Happy, Happy, Happy! (per Phil Robertson)
and remember I.....
So this weekend, Cade, you are camping out with Dad and the cub scouts/boy scouts at Mr Neil's place. You've done this now for 5 years, but this one is different. Tomorrow night you'll 'crossover' from a cub scout to a boy scout.
Daddy has done a terrific job of keeping the den going, ever since your second year, he has been your leader. You've made great friends in the Leaks (Brian, Justin, Jacob, Josh, and Jenny), the Duers, Kyle and his family and the list goes on.
You attended Camps, made pinewood derby cars, made cakes to be auctioned, dutifully place flags on graves, collected food, carried the colors, learned your pledge, earned pins and belt loops, went fishing, went hiking, tied knots and volunteered by planting trees - just to name a few.
Some days daddy and I complained about scouts, but you always claimed that was the one thing you didn't want to quit when our scheduled seemed too full. You were a fan! You loved the activities and the outdoors (maybe not so much the 10 mile hike). You were a born cub scout just like your daddy was when he was your age.
Always remember the things you learned in scouts - there are some wonderful lessons there!!!
Love ya bud!!
Added after the crossover camp out -
You've come a long way kid!!!
Today I am reminded how much I love watching the two of you play sports. You might not be the star of the team (or maybe you are) but when I am cheering you on (win or lose) I feel like the proudest momma in the ballpark!!
Cade is a Met this year in Little League baseball. Playing with Coach Brian Klepner, Noah Wright, Jake Rife, Cole Klepner, Davon Mosby, Bocca and others.
Addy is a Panther this year in softball. Playing with Coach Tracy, Coach Kelly and Coach Daddy - Rebecca Busey, MK Morris, Katelyn and others.
Last week was opening week and I froze my butt off to sit there and cheer, but I was happy doing it (most of the time until the wind blew REALLY hard then I cried a few tears). This week the temps are in the 70s, the sun is shining and I can't wait throughout the work day to get to the fields and take my seat among the parents to cheer, cheer, cheer!!
I'm learning (slowly) to relax. Enjoy the little things, like a good baseball/softball game and not stress (too much) about the current affairs of our house or whether our yard is mowed to perfection (or even in the last two weeks). It's fun being a family!! It's fun reliving my sports days through the two of you. It's fun watching you hit the ball and run with wide eyes because you just surprised yourself with the hit!! It's fun watching you high five your teammates - they will be your friends for a long time, they will have your back when you need them, they will encourage you, and lift you up when you are having a bad game.
Always be the team member that supports EVERY single person on the team. Whether you like them or not, whether they are good or not, whether they are cocky or kind, whether they want it or not - encourage them!!! Tell them good job even if it's their 5th homerun of the game.
Always be a good sport. You can get upset with yourself if you didn't give it your all, if you made a dumb mistake or just weren't thinking clearly but if you did your best and came up short - don't get mad, get determined to do better next time!!
Don't expect others to make you better. Only YOU can work harder, play tougher and give it a little more. Looking back, I have regrets in sports where I could have played harder and given more. If I could give you one thing it would be a crystal ball into the future so you didn't make the mistakes that I made.
And always remember - Excuses are the nails that built the house of failure (per Coach Brian Horner).
Love you guys - Play hard and have fun doing it!!